Thursday, April 21, 2011

Discovery and the search for Pseudacris regilla

Maybe you'd like to know how the flight went for me?

Pretty well, actually...

until this lady found me hiding in her makeup bag during a layover at the Long Beach airport. (I think maybe I gave myself away by eating a whole bunch of her Altoids, but I couldn't help myself. They were delicious.)

I explained that I was a world traveler, and she seemed skeptical, but she let me come with her anyway. Now I'm staying in a house in the East Bay Area of California.

Wait, what's that noise?

It sounds a lot like this.

Maybe I'll go out into the yard and take a look around, see where the noise is coming from.

They have a lemon tree growing in this yard. I thought a high vantage point might help me figure out the source of the noise, but it's not helping.

I do see some lemons, though. And a whole lot of ivy.

I've got to stop and think for a minute. Where have I heard that noise before?

Thanks, lady. What's that? Frogs? Really?!

It's time for further investigation. Yoo-hoo! Froggies! Where are you?

This is Miss M. I think she likes me.

And this is Miss H. I think she likes me too.

Miss H is helping me look for frogs.

Still searching, but these must be really small frogs. I can't seem to find them anywhere.

I wonder if -- oooh look, a slide!


I guess we will resume the search for frogs tomorrow.

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